Friday, August 27, 2010

Spotted Puffer Fish Aquarium Tank Mate

Just bought six pieces of Black Mollies and a pack of Guppies to be tank mates for Spotted Puffer Fish.

Both Black Mollies and Guppies as well as Spotted Puffer Fish are fed with Hikari Blood Worm twice daily.

So now, the 2 feet aquarium tank is interesting with new fishes.

Before I added Black Mollies and Guppies into the Spotted Puffer Fish Tank, both type of fishes were

quarantine. I was pretty worried that without quarantine, my Spotted Puffer Fish maybe affected by the

diseases that Black Mollies and Guppies carried along.

Black Mollies are not very aggressive to keep with the other team mates and it is suitable for tropical fish


For now, I am enjoying every single moment watching the fishes.

Till then, chat again..