Friday, August 27, 2010

Spotted Puffer Fish Aquarium Tank Mate

Just bought six pieces of Black Mollies and a pack of Guppies to be tank mates for Spotted Puffer Fish.

Both Black Mollies and Guppies as well as Spotted Puffer Fish are fed with Hikari Blood Worm twice daily.

So now, the 2 feet aquarium tank is interesting with new fishes.

Before I added Black Mollies and Guppies into the Spotted Puffer Fish Tank, both type of fishes were

quarantine. I was pretty worried that without quarantine, my Spotted Puffer Fish maybe affected by the

diseases that Black Mollies and Guppies carried along.

Black Mollies are not very aggressive to keep with the other team mates and it is suitable for tropical fish


For now, I am enjoying every single moment watching the fishes.

Till then, chat again..

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Overfeeding can kill your Spotted Puffer Fish

Overfeeding can kill your Puffer

Puffers are cute to look at and just simply adorable. When you walk near the tank, puffers are likely to catch

attention of you and start to follow your motion.

But don't misunderstood that the Puffer is looking for feeding again. Do have a feeding schedule daily such

as twice to thice a day is fine for younger ones which need more food to grow.

It is rather entertaining to watch Puffers feeding on their favorite blood worms and shrimps.

Do not overfeed Puffers, reasons are:

• The water condition maybe cloudy and poor resulting from overfeeding. Quality water is important for Puffers to grow well.

• Overfeeding may result in waste accummulation due to unfinished food that is not removed immediately and the fish may start to rub against the body against any decoration due to itch.

• Oxygen levels may drop due to decay food which are not finished by the fish. Oxygen is taken away
while carbon dioxide is produced.

• Toxic waste is generated from uneaten food which break down into ammonia and nitrites which may
kill the fish.

So do remember, have a feeding schedule for your Puffers. When Puffers are healthy, you are happy!

Till then, catch up my next post!

Happy Puffers Owner

Friday, August 13, 2010

Spotted Puffer Fish Keeping Know-How

Spotted Puffer Fish

In nature, Spotted Puffer Fish or Blowfish is very Intelligent and friendly fish to be. You can easily feed them food with your bare hand as they are not shy at all.If taken care properly, they can live for very long.

Although Spotted Puffers are very entertaining to keep as pet fish, they are pretty territorial and aggressive in nature.

They are likely to do fin nipping of bigger fish, which may results in fin rot disease and if not treated with care, it may cause death.

Generally the diets for Spotted Puffer should consist of blood worms, baby shrimp, and pond snails. The shelly food such as snail can be given to help keep the teeth from getting too long and affecting the fish to eat properly. It will be good to feed them twice a week with snails.

The next primary food that is easily available from the local Petshop is the frozen blood worms. Base on my experience, it is better to pay a little more for reputable blood worms suppliers. The blood worms are
usually better quality and cleaned before packing, some may have vitamin infused before frozen. Such recommendation will be hikari frozen blood worms.

When considering Puffer compatible tank mates, it is good to provide sufficient space with hidding holes and decorations as Spotted Puffer fish will create its own territory. Due to the Puffer aggressive nature, choosing the right tank mates are very important. These few companions are ok with Puffers such as the Mollies, archerfish, scats.

Catch up with my next update soon